People & Industry

Feb 19, 2024 Clean Energy Future

Blackout busters

How natural gas and renewables worked together to get the lights back on in Victoria. On 13 February 2024, more than 500,000 Victorian homes were gripped by blackout. A frightening storm surged dangerously, decimating …Read more
Oct 06, 2023 Clean Energy Future

It’s no show without gas

Gas is a vital part of the net zero future. It’s also a vital part of the energy mix today. The Prime Minister and the federal Treasurer agree. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said in …Read more
May 12, 2023 People & Industry

‘Beam Pump at Sunrise’: Winner of In.Site 2023

The In.Site Photographic Competition seeks to capture the unique beauty of the environments, communities and people that both surround the natural gas industry and make it possible. The natural gas industry plays a vital …Read more
May 12, 2023 People & Industry

A chat with In.Site Awards ‘Environment’ winner Phil Allen

The In.Site Photographic Competition seeks to capture the unique beauty of the environments, communities and people that both surround the natural gas industry and make it possible. The natural gas industry plays a vital …Read more
May 12, 2023 People & Industry

In.Site Awards ‘People’ winner ‘Conversations over the fence’

The In.Site Photographic Competition seeks to capture the unique beauty of the environments, communities and people that both surround the natural gas industry and make it possible. The natural gas industry plays a vital …Read more
May 12, 2023 People & Industry

In.Site Photographic Awards: 2023 Winners announced

A Queensland oil and gas industry worker has won a national photographic competition with a stunning snap of  a beam pump at sunrise. David Warren, a Senior Field Development Planner for Santos in Queensland, …Read more
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