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Mar 17, 2021 In The Community

Natural gas: supporting regional Australia

Natural gas is important to Australia’s economy, and it is the fuel of choice for many industries. However, the natural gas industry couldn’t thrive as it does without the support of regional Australians from all over the country.  Natural gas producers rely …Read more
Mar 15, 2021 At Home

Brighter congratulates Bright Spark Candice Lam on her new scholarship

Last time Brighter caught up with Queensland-based Candice Lam, she gave us a few valuable life lessons (courtesy of Yoda), expressed her lifelong love for robots, and expanded on her globe-trotting adventures as an offshore gas worker. With a career history that spans …Read more
Mar 10, 2021 Clean Energy Future

The CleanCo deal delivering a cleaner energy Queensland

CleanCo, the cleaner energy provider owned by the Queensland Government, is extending its agreements with gas company Senex to deliver 2.55 petajoules (PJ) of natural gas in 2022, for a total of 5.1PJ from …Read more
Mar 09, 2021 Clean Energy Future

Here’s how Western Australia is working to reduce emissions

Western Australia is hard at work to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. Projects such as the Chevron-led construction of a microgrid in the coastal town of Onslow, powered by solar and natural gas, or the development of …Read more
Mar 08, 2021 People & Industry

Celebrating International Women’s Day

The 8th of March is International Women’s Day. #IWD2021 (International Women’s Day) is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the many thousands of women in the natural gas industry. In Australia and around …Read more
Mar 08, 2021 In The Community

Brighter lends support to Rotary conference in Toowoomba

Brighter was proud to sponsor the Rotary District 9630 Conference, which took place over the weekend of 5–7 March in Toowoomba, Queensland.    The organisers of the District 9630 conference have also highlighted the importance …Read more
Mar 05, 2021 People & Industry

SmP: Winners announced for Brighter-sponsored scholarships

Science & Technology Australia (STA) has announced the recipients of its coveted Science meets Parliament scholarships, celebrating a diverse cohort of outstanding STEM excellence. What’s STEM? That’s an acronym that stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, …Read more
Feb 25, 2021 Clean Energy Future

The fake reefs where fish flourish

What is a an ‘artificial reef’, and how do these fake formations become magnets for marine life and a destination for divers? Australian gas companies are involved with the creation of these reefs, which …Read more
Feb 18, 2021 People & Industry

Judging commences for Brighter-sponsored STEM scholarship

Natural gas is a known STEM field offering an incredible number of career pathways. What’s STEM? It’s an acronym that stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Discussion around STEM has become particularly prominent in recent years as the …Read more
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