May 12, 2023People & Industry

‘Beam Pump at Sunrise’: Winner of In.Site 2023

The In.Site Photographic Competition seeks to capture the unique beauty of the environments, communities and people that both surround the natural gas industry and make it possible.

The natural gas industry plays a vital role in powering Australia. The competition showcases the strong and constantly growing relationship between the industry and the areas it operates in through photography. A celebration of community and industry achievement.

See the full gallery of In.Site 2023 submissions here.

David Warren, a Senior Field Development Planner for Santos in Queensland, is the Overall Winner of the In.Site Photographic Awards for his photo of a beam pump in the Cooper–Eromanga Basin.

Mr Warren, who will receive a $5,000 voucher from Ted’s Cameras, said of his winning photo: “A beam pump or ‘nodding donkey’ is an iconic sight in my industry.

“After working night shift as a rig supervisor and on my drive back to camp one morning, I stopped and took a few photographs, capturing this iconic image with the early sun beaming behind it. After working in the basin for 12 months, it was always a picturesque occasion seeing the sunsets and sunrises, and even more special to capture it with my camera.”

See the 2023 winners here.

See the full gallery of In.Site 2023 submissions here.
