I am an heir to a whiskey dynasty and a six-time hockey champion, but my greatest passion is my family.

My great-great-great-great Grandfather John Manson founded Glen Garoich Scotch Whiskey (Scotland) in 1797. Glen Garioch is still going strong today. I love to chill with my family as much as possible. I also like to travel, play hockey, go fishing and enjoy the Territory lifestyle as much as I can.

This includes grabbing a Laksa and Chilli Curry Puff most weekends from either the Parap or Rapid Creek Markets!

What most interests me about my role is knowing that we are helping save lives…

Through safe training techniques that help build the capability and capacity of the personnel, the business and the Industry simultaneously. I get a real kick out of helping people achieve better outcomes and job opportunities through their training and ongoing experience. This positively effects not only their lives, but the lives of their families and the community around them as well.

One of most memorable moments from my time in the industry was when I was with CB&I, helping construct the Condensate Tanks at C300

I was lucky enough to be inside when they raised the roof. For this process they build the outer shell of the tank, then the roof is built on the inside at a low level on brackets, and once complete is sealed and blown up with massive air blowers.

The pressure inside rises and slowly raises the roof until it hits top of the tank. Once there is welded in place by 30+ Welders who are waiting. I was locked inside the tank as the air was blown in to make sure the seal didn’t break, and it held pressure, allowing it to rise. It was pretty amazing, and something that not many people would get the opportunity to experience.

I have grown as a person by working at an LNG Plant, and have seen firsthand the positive effects of the gas industry on local community. Some of these include job opportunities and ongoing employment for locals, hands-on experience on world-class projects and investment back into the community..."

Through sponsorships and partnerships with local business including Indigenous organisations to increase local content through engagement, employment programs, traineeships & apprenticeships and of course the ongoing employment for a lot of locals once the project is complete.

I have a lot of friends that are now working on gas plants and all going well, can continue to do so until they retire! I have seen people go from working in childcare with kids all day, to running work crews on a live gas plant, from labourers, to apprentices and then to tradesmen!

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