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Dec 14, 2022 In The Community

Iconic Project Fund: Secured

What makes a project iconic? Scale? Lasting impact? The ability to draw you back over and over? Something that can make a moment a memory? It’s a subjective thing. What is certain though; iconic …Read more
Nov 17, 2022 Clean Energy Future

Territory to the Top

The Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct is a project with potential. The 1500 hectare hub aims to unify a spectrum of industrial decarbonisation and low emissions efforts. Combined with marine and logistics infrastructure and …Read more
Nov 03, 2022 Clean Energy Future

COP27: Explainer

Confused about COP27? Well cop this! Here’s a quick explainer of the action over the next fortnight. COP27 is the United Nations Climate Change Conference. COP has an almost 27-year legacy of uniting near …Read more
Oct 31, 2022 Clean Energy Future

Methane Zero

Australia is a country focused on emissions reduction. A hurdle on our path to zero: Methane. Methane is believed to account for around one half of the net rise in global average temperature since …Read more
Oct 07, 2022 Clean Energy Future

Fantastic Fertiliser Facility

Fertiliser stinks. There’s no disputing that. Odour aside, fertiliser is a lynchpin of the agriculture industry. Made using natural gas as a feedstock, fertiliser feeds the world. At present, Australia is heavily reliant on …Read more
Sep 28, 2022 In The Community

Majestic Marine Mammoths

Blue whales are the largest animal to have ever existed. Bigger than any dinosaur. Even the T-Rex. That’s a pretty … big claim to fame. These gentle creatures can measure 30 metres long, with …Read more
Sep 21, 2022 In The Community

Scallops and a Seismic Shift

If you’ve recently ordered a seafood platter or visited Tasmania, you might know a little about scallops. They are a verified delicacy — a versatile protein whose unique flavour and texture drive the creation …Read more
Sep 15, 2022 People & Industry

Marine Life Magnets

Summer 2021: Bass Strait. Scaling the vertical columns of decades-old oil and gas platforms, remote operated vehicles (ROV) beam spectacular sights back to their pilot’s monitors. Beneath the dark waters surging around the platforms’ …Read more
Sep 01, 2022 Clean Energy Future

Pop Test: Hydrogen Hub Hits Milestone

An open-source hub for research, testing and demonstration of decarbonisation solutions for the energy industry. A place specifically designed to unlock the path to Net Zero. A nucleus for energy knowledge. It sounds like …Read more
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