Mar 27, 2019At Home

Home Heating Tips for Winter

As the colder months draw in again, and heating our homes becomes a necessity, here are some tips to stay cosy.

Consider the room

Open plan living is now a staple in modern Australian homes. While that’s great for aesthetics and lifestyle, it’s not always the best for heating efficiency. Consider the room size you’re heating and the efficiency of the heater you’re warming it with. A small heater will get the job done, but will take longer to do so. Gas heaters are usually very efficient and, when sized appropriately to the room, will get the job done effectively.

Don’t let that heat out! 

Heat loss is one of the major issues in non-energy efficient households. Major factors that play into this are roof and wall insulation, window coverings (curtains are a great insulator), air gaps that let in a draft or breeze, and types of flooring.

Make the most of your outdoor spaces

According to research commissioned by Brighter, 2 in 3 Australians say they’d use their outdoor spaces more often if they had outdoor heating. Gas roof heaters and patio heaters are a great solution to enjoying your backyard or outdoor area while keeping warm over the winter months.

Enjoy your gas fireplace

About 10% of Australians already own a gas-powered fireplace. These are a lot less difficult to deal with than a wood burning fireplace, they’re efficient and they emit consistent heat levels.



Whether you know it or not, gas plays a big part in almost all Australian homes. Most of us use it for cooking, hot showers or weekend BBQs with the family. Gas is also vital in keeping local businesses, schools and hospitals powered and running.
