Turtles, Dugongs, Corals and more 

My job provides a unique opportunity to work on projects that are exceptionally challenging, demand agility, adaptability, and are ultimately both personally and professionally rewarding. I work with exceptionally experienced aquatic and terrestrial ecologists, environmental practitioners and engineers. We’ve worked on many projects with the energy sector – monitoring corals, mangroves, water quality, turtle and dugong populations and seagrass.

Close encounters of the shark kind

Being a professional scientist, I have had a number of experiences that I consider unique and hold close to my heart.

One of the most unique experiences I have had at work involves a very close altercation with a bull shark whilst collecting fish on the north-west shelf. "

Thankfully I came away from the encounter without sustaining any physical injury, although the same can’t be said for my speargun handle and shaft that ended up in the mouth of a bull shark that was in excess of 3.5 meters in length. Fortunately, my dive buddy and I were able to get out of the water without further incident. We did get back in the water the next day and continue our work (albeit with a slightly different operating procedure!).

Strong and trusting relationships deliver remarkable results 

Our industry is small and very interconnected. This means people can develop strong and trusting relationships, which can deliver remarkable results that would not otherwise be possible. I am constantly surprised and excited about how these connections have a way of developing into amazing opportunities to achieve incredible things.

The gas industry can drive solutions for environmental issues 

The gas industry has a critical leadership role to play in developing and providing solutions to a number of environmental issues. I see them acting on this, for example, developing and fostering relationships with the fisheries sector to facilitate meaningful dialogue between stakeholders. It can only result in more considered, acceptable and substantial outcomes than have been achieved in the past.

Finding the balance between what was, what is, what will be, and enjoying the moment. 

Having a child changes your world in ways that can never truly be articulated or described. Slowly I think I am passing my passion for the outdoors and adventure to my daughter, although I think I will have to be more patient before she is ready to go wreck diving in the Solomon Islands or to paddle out into the break with me!

More Bright Sparks

Candice's Story Jody's Story Kimberly's Story Rachael's Story Darren's Story