May 02, 2019Small Business

The Australian Small Business Using Predictive Maths to Improve the Resources Sector

Australian start-up, Biarri EMI, has been selected as one of the top global emerging technology companies in the energy and resources sector.

Their new product offering, of interest in Australia and now overseas in the US, is Distributed Infrastructure Maintenance Optimisation solution or DIMO for short. In simple terms, DIMO uses algorithms and predictive mathematics to schedule maintenance on natural gas wells. This improves productivity but can also play an important role in improving worker safety. Biarri will be presenting DIMO in Houston, Texas in late May.

Biarri is a great example of a small, innovative Australian business that has found success with the Australian natural gas sector. For more information visit


Income from natural gas doesn’t just benefit those directly employed by the industry but does a lot to support the local communities that host gas projects. Small businesses and local economies in host communities and around the country benefit from this income.
