Aug 07, 2019People & Industry

What is STEM?

STEM. It’s an acronym that’s being increasingly thrown around in conversations about education. And it’s not just teachers talking about it either; politicians, celebrities, social media influencers are all abuzz, and so are local communities around Australia. But what isĀ STEM exactly?

Let’s start with the basics. STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering and Math. At some level it is about encouraging kids to take on these subjects because it will increasingly become an important part of the future of work. The Australian government calls STEM qualifications, “critically important for our current and future productivity”. And they do need encouragement. A report from Deloitte Access Economics shows that the number of Australians with STEM qualifications has fallen in recent years.

But STEM isn’t just about studying technical subjects. It’s about a way of thinking, applying technical knowledge to solve problems. So it’s not just about future careers, STEM improves how people operate in their day-to-day lives too.

The natural gas industry promotes STEM futures in a number of ways. Through supplying schools with curriculum materials and support, by sponsoring events like Science Alive, and by funding important STEM programs like the ConocoPhillips Science Experience. This is because the industry requires highly-skilled workers. From marine biologists to drone operators, the industry relies on some of Australia’s best and brightest.

For more information on the types of STEM careers in the industry meet our Bright Sparks here.
