I have always been bold in creating opportunities.
It would have been easy to stay and work for family in South Australia. But, I am certainly not one to take the easy road. When I arrived back from overseas in the early ‘90’s, during the banana republic, I was working for Normandy Mining in Adelaide. I wanted to go and work FIFO and really understand Mining.
Lucky for me whilst in London I was employed by a Seismic company and I soon realised that the resources industry was where the opportunity and money is. They sold the Russian Seismic data, it was fascinating. I resigned from Normandy Mining and packed up my house in Adelaide and travelled by train to Perth to seek a better job.
To this day I recall my father standing at the station saying, “You know I can pay for your flight?” but I thought no, this is for me, I worked and travelled to London, I know the drill.
By Port Augusta, the first drunk was thrown off the train.
There I was sitting in economy smoking and drinking my way across the Nullarbor to Perth. Why oh why, but I got there, off loaded my Suzuki Sierra and navigated my way to a friend’s house to start the adventure.
Within two weeks I had a house at Daglish in Perth, a job with Plutonic Gold Mine (Plutonic turned into Homestake turned into Barrick Gold). I loved every minute of it.
If I hadn’t done that I would never have lived and seen part of the world and country that most don’t.
if I hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have worked for Rio Tinto, Santos and BG Group (Shell). I would never have had the diverse range of opportunities and I wouldn’t have this amazing network of people across the globe that I call friends.

I established Rowe Advisory late 2013
And the team have been working directly for Oil and Gas clients ever since…
We’ve built a solid client base from Oil and Gas and that has provided the opportunity to enter other industries such as Mining, Industrial, Infrastructure and Government. We work in Contracts and Procurement, Supply chain and Commercial. Whilst I sit on boards such as Strike Energy I really enjoy working with clients to provide the best solutions.

I would like to see positive industry marketing for all to understand why gas is so important and be transparent on the strategy. Education is key to ensure young people come to the industry and enjoy successful careers.
There is no doubt about it, we have been hit by COVID-19.
We have moved fast into other industries and government to keep good people working and that has served well. It made us look at the costs of the business, how we can do more with less resources and reviewed the opportunities to work and function remotely.
My family and my dogs Ruby and Rosie are so important to me especially now I am older.
But for the last few years it’s been hiking. Go figure. Bhutan, Spain you name it. I cannot wait to walk in the morning at the moment thanks to COVID-19 I walk two hours, it’s great for my health and my head.
When you have days of ups and downs this provides me the space to think and reflect, I cannot imagine doing it any other way.